What is Multidisciplinary Coaching?


Multidisciplinary Coaching expands upon traditional coaching and leadership development in these ways:

In Philosophy and Approach – deliberately considering the various disciplines seeking to explain human behavior to answer basic questions about the nature of individuals and groups

In Process – an integration of multiple models to make each engagement more meaningful, robust

In Attitude and Competence – a willingness and ability to flex among roles to meet client needs

In Resources – an ever-growing suite of multidisciplinary tools to identify and solve real problems



(mŭl′tē-dĭs′ə-plə-nĕr′ē, -tī-)

Of, relating to, or making use of several disciplines at once


Why be Multidisciplinary?

The Benefit for Coaches

As development partners, being multidisciplinary has the potential to create a more competent and qualified profession, with expanded, well-rounded competencies.

The Benefit for Clients 

Coaching clients live in a complex world and work within complex systems. A Multidisciplinary Coach is adaptive, with expanded ability to meet the needs of those complex and unique circumstances.